Thursday, February 26, 2009

Attack on a Candidate Running for City Commissioner District IV

Hi All,

Last night I received an email from a Cal Deal, not sure how he got my email, but he sent me a slanderous email about Romney Rogers and making fun of him for having people and his church praying for him. That is why he is supporting Romney’s opponent. I saw another article about this from our blog stating the same thing about Religion and Politics.

So I needed to investigate this a little more and give you some of my opinions for what they are worth. First, I am writing this post as John McNamara and not as a member of the Croissant Park board and not representing the croissant park board, so any heat need to come to me, not the board.

I would like to bring up few points, one about God, second about Romeny vs Prewitt.

About God, right now in this age of so-called tolerance, we are supposed to be tolerant of anything, anyone’s lifestyle, his or her beliefs, and so forth. But I get the sense from all these blog notices that no one is really tolerant at all, especially in referencing God or Jesus. We can’t even say Merry Christmas anymore, even though the reason for the season for Christmas is the birth of Christ, “Christ Mas”. So this controversial memo goes around to Church members to pray for Romney, (a church he has been associated with for many years), and becomes blasphemy and made a mockery by the press. Is this really news worthy? I could see if Romney was having an affair, or was a liar, tax cheater, or did something really dishonest. Come on give me something really news worthy!!! Are you really tolerant? Yes, that is a question you have to ask yourself.

Second about Romney vs. Prewitt, from the email that was sent to me, Cal Deal gave me links to show me why he is supporting Prewitt. Here are a few of the links he gave….

Comparing the two candidates resume from the Sun

Go to:
Sun Sentinel Article 1 Click Here to Read More
When doing your due diligence here are some questions to consider before making your decision: Who has served the Fort Lauderdale Community the longest? Who has a stronger a fiscal resume? Who has dealt with business in Fort Lauderdale? Who has a relationship already with the Fire and Police? Whose Law Firm is located in Fort Lauderdale and Who is Not?

Here is another article from the Sun Sentinel:
Sun Sentinel Article 2 Click Here to Read More

What do they say the Key issue for District 4 is? Which candidate says they want dramatic change? (what does dramatic change mean?) Which candidate is a lifelong resident? (Is that important to you?)

If you went to the debates held in November, we got to meet the candidates and hear them speak. After the debates, no candidate was the clear winner, each candidate did really well. So I had to investigate them some more, after doing my research and reading each candidates websites, I came up with my own conclusion on who the right candidate is for me.

Now, remember to go out and vote for the right candidate for YOU on March 10th. What’s your opinion?

God Bless,



Bruce Hogman said...

This has no business being on this blog. Your personal views notwithstanding, this is still the blog of the Association and I criticize you severely for politicizing its content.

The civic Association has a certain legal obligation to remain unbiased as far as political support voiced publicly on a vehicle belonging to the Association.

You have violated the terms of this blog and you should withdraw your post immediately.

Any of our residents can now take us to court in an action accusing us of sponsoring political content in violation of our tax status.


Anonymous said...

I agree, in part with Bruce..this long rant for why Romney should be voted in is not appropriate for our associations blog..however, to go as far as people wanting to sue the association is a bit ridiculous..if anyone has that much time and money on their hands, THEY should be running for office!!

Bruce Hogman said...


It was not set up by the Croissant Park Civic Association as its own web site.

All of the views posted on this site may be considered to be public utterances of private individuals not connected with Croissant Park Civic Association, by virtue of the quoted content from John McNamara I received by email today, and I quote:

"You are wrong, this is not the Civic Association Blog but my blog called the Croissant Park Blog.

It has nothing to do with the civic assocations. Any heat needs to come to me not association.

Sorry about that.
God Bless,

Residents may not regard the content, therefore as being in any manner supported by the Association.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I don't understand EXACTLY what a blog's function is, but I thought it was just a way for people to express their opinions and exchange information. Did not realize members who belong to certain associations could not express their own personal opinions. Anyone can set up a Blog. When I was learning how to become a 'blogger', I accidentally set up two blogsites for Croissant Park while trying to post something on the site! Maybe I only have 63 crayons in my box? I don't believe this site was ever intended to be the 'Croissant Park Civic Association's' personal vehicle of expression, but an open forum for neighbors to get info, give info, and express themselves. I don't see where this is any different than recommending a new auto mechanic or plumber to connect your sewers - someone could have sent a negative comment about an auto mechanic without rebuke - I can think of a BIG DEALER I would like to blast (maybe later). The Association does not own this blog. They are however able to contribute information, and make sure neighbors are aware of it. Everyone is welcome to comment. Watch - we will probably see another blog site pop up tomorrow about Croissant Park just because it found a HOT topic. So what?

Anonymous said...

Give me a break - the Romney cartoon was funny. It was clearly intended to poke fun at him- but certainly was not "blasphemy" or slander (my understanding is that for it to be slander, it would have to be untrue- and I don't think there is any question that the prayer letter went out exhorting its recipients to pray for him). Lets, however, leave God out of this- not everyone believes what you do John- or is as zealous in their beliefs. Just because someone has lived here a long time and goes to the "right" church - does not make them a leader. There are lots of examples of that - Doug Danziger come to mind anyone?

Anonymous said...

If this is a personal blog by John, why not call it the John McNamera blog instead of the Croissant Park Blog, and eliminate any confusion? I believe firmly in the separation of church and state. Celebrate God all you like, but not at, or in anything that is, or seems to be a civic setting. There are a great many humanists and non believers out here who are voting patriotic citizens. Sincerely, Elaine Elle