Monday, June 14, 2010

What's in your hurricane pantry?

Well, one thing I can tell you that is not in mine is Spam (or Vienna Sausages). A friend of mine and I started talking about how cans of the stuff fly off the shelves when a hurricane warning goes up - begging the question- do people actually buy this for any other purpose than disaster prep? And if so - who and why? I have to admit that I have never actually eaten either Spam or Vienna sausages and do not want to disparage products without giving them a try (like that is going to happen) so I won't say anything bad about the actual product. Its just the idea of them that got me wondering why people who never buy them at any other time would think that they may make tasty treats during an emergency when there are so many other things they can stash away that taste good. Remember- you do not have to eat meat or some facsimile thereof to survive.

In keeping with our June membership meetings theme of Hurricane Prep I decided to start to make a list of things that people might want to consider having on hand during the summer months- just in case. I'm just getting started on the list and the items included are by no means listed in order of importance- just randomly. But here's the idea- I will keep adding things as they occur to me- but why don't you all post your thoughts on what needs to be in the hurricane supplies- and if the answer is not obvious- let us know why. If you can post pictures- even better - we will have a slide show at the meeting - and perhaps a prize for the best idea.

P.S. I claim Pop Tarts ( although no photo yet) as the perfect food- it even comes in foil wrapped packages so it doesn't get damp - OK - this qualifies as my "spam" contribution.

P.P. S. For some reason I can't figure out how to post images to this - need a tutorial - but if you check out the Croissant Park Facebook page- think I can post them there.

1 comment:

Patricia Rathburn said...

So far- flashlights, vodka, dog food, oranges, limes, rum, pop-tarts, Aleve, manual can opener, Italian cheese, toothpaste, toilet paper, mortar & pestle, microplane grater, garlic, onions, artichoke hearts, black beans, white beans, chickpeas,batteries,bacon bits, sundried tomatoes,chicken stock, tuna fish, peanut butter, jelly, crackers,beer, red wine, bottled water (sparkling and still) paper towels, dog cookies,insurance info,camera,canned tomatoes- whats on your list?